All fees are inclusive of VAT
Includes legal marriage guidance, all meetings, creation of your very own unique ceremony and legally marrying you on the day!
Includes legal marriage guidance, all meetings, creation of your very own unique ceremony and declaring your civil partnership on the day!
Includes ceremony guidance, all meetings, creation of your very own unique ceremony and reaffirming your vows on the day!
Includes ceremony guidance, all meetings, creation of your very own unique ceremony welcome to the world ceremony, a keepsake tailored certificate and the naming of your little one on the day!
Includes ceremony guidance, all meetings, creation of a fitting celebration of life funeral ceremony for you and your loved one and conducting the service on the day.
For all ceremonies the first 50 miles return from Dunfermline, Fife are included in the fee. Travel expenses at 50p per mile thereafter will apply.
If the ceremony is to be held more that 3 hours drive from my home, I may require overnight accommodation in addition to travel to ensure I am fresh and on time for your ceremony.
We will sort this out when we first meet, so there are no surprises!
A % of all fees go to support registered Scottish charities and to help alleviate funeral poverty in Scotland